This is the overall results from my tests. The rows in grey are values that I use to calculate everything else. Cost per KWH and CO2 per KWH are both national averages. Number of students is from two years ago. Yes, we only have 748 students. As contrast, in the fall of 2007, Ohio State University has the largest enrollment in the US, with 52,586 enrolled. Remember, All these numbers are for computers owned by the college and maintained by IT...NOT individual student computers.

Cost per KWH Hours up per day Load% NoLoad% Hours standby per day Hours down per day days per month Amount of CO2 prodused per KWH # of northland computers Number of students hours on equive based on days per week Number of CRT Number of LCD  
0.082569 16 1 99 0 8 30.41666667 1.34 lbs/kWh 340 748 18.85714286 123 81    
Hours on Hours down Hours standby Watts used per day KWH per year Cost per year per computer CO2 prodused per year Costs for Northland Cost per student CO2 prodused by college in lbs CO2 prodused by college in tons
6 18 0 433.46W 158.21 KWH $13.06 212.01 lbs $4,441.58 $5.94 72,081.80 lbs 36.04 Tons
18 6 0 1,200.38W 438.14 KWH $36.18 587.11 lbs $12,300.07 $16.44 199,615.99 lbs 99.81 Tons
6 8 10 390.75W 142.62 KWH $11.78 191.12 lbs $1,448.48 $1.94 23,507.25 lbs 11.75 Tons
6 8 10 177.50W 64.79 KWH $5.35 86.82 lbs $433.30 $0.58 7,032.04 lbs 3.52 Tons